Running Bar Charts — Beginners Guide to advance Visualization
I have been seeing these types of visuals on my social media feeds. Being a data analyst, I was very curious to know how these visuals are created (The whole data visualization process starts in my mind). Does these type of visuals provide any insights? (Let me know your thoughts).
I found this website called in which many visuals are present of which one of which is this. You need to find the right kind of data(Like that’s Easy). Just import the data and make changes in the visual itself.
For example,
For this particular visual, I used the population data of countries that are in extreme poverty line between the years 1981–2019. (Data can be found at Made some changes in excel, and uploaded the data and tada, Visual is here.
I will work on more of these types of visuals. If anything they look interesting whether they provide any insights is up to you.
If you have any questions or any inputs you want to share comment. Hit me up on LinkedIn or Twitter. I am pretty much active there.
Piyush Jain