Python Explained Like you are 5!- Focussed on Data
I have been learning and researching a lot about Python. I wanted to learn how to code. I will be honest, the sole purpose of learning coding was FOMO.
My friends were great at coding and they always used to talk about code and I was working on NO code tools at this point. That’s when I started learning python and initially, it was difficult to grasp everything and that’s why I am writing this article. The sole aim to write this article is to help you get started in Python.
WHAT IS CODE and What is IDE?
At the very basic level, a computer is a machine that is instructed to carry out certain operations, the instructions that are given are called programs and that is what we call today code.
Computers understand binary code(0’s and 1's). Python and other languages are high-level languages that we write on software that is converted to binary code(0'1 and 1’s) and that’s where IDE comes in.
For a more detailed explanation:
IDE is an integrated development environment(software basically) that does all work from compilation to a text editor where you write your code. This is essentially just the text editor you use to write your code, for eg. , if you were writing an essay you could choose to use Microsoft word you could use google docs or could use notepad, or maybe even just a straight-up pen and paper just like there are these different mediums for you to write your last minute paper, data scientists and software engineers need places to write their code these places are called ides and just like Microsoft word has spell track and formatting to make sure that you don’t make grammatical errors many ideas help you to make sure that you have the proper syntax in your code.
There are a lot of IDEs available that you can install on your PC, from visual studio code to anaconda to jupyter labs to various text editors to various online environments like google collab to Pycharm.
Here is a video from the freecodecamp to setup your IDE environment and Installing python :
Actual Code (that you will do on a daily basis):
In real life, you will work on different projects, and for that, you need to know the basics of python programming. Here are 7 basic things you need to know when you are starting to learn python:
1. Data Types and Structures(List, Tuples, Dictionaries, numbers, strings)
2. Variables
3. Logical Operators
4. Loops(For loops, while loops,if-else)
5. Functions
6. Libraries and Modules:
I would highly recommend practicing these concepts on W3schools. It is the best resource to learn and practice python at the same time.
After completing these concepts and getting an overview of the basic concepts, I would highly encourage you to work on projects that would enhance your skills and you can showcase your work in real life. After I worked on the basics of python, I worked on a project called Youtube Channel Analytics. Do check this out and contact me for more projects like these. More the projects, the more comfortable you are with python.
You can find more projects on Kaggle. Kaggle is the best platform to start your python projects. But I would recommend it after doing one or more basic projects.
Points to consider while learning:
- You will be searching a lot on google and StackOverflow. You will be stuck while writing programs and that’s pretty normal.
- Even if you have not fully grasped the basics of python, I would still recommend you do 1–2 projects, what happens is when you are doing a project, you have the context of what you have to do, so even if you are struck somewhere you can research about it inline. I am pretty sure someone must have provided you with the solution online.
That’s It. Hope It helped in getting started in Python. Once you are comfortable using Python. It is quite daunting at first but, once you actually find insights from the project, there is no stopping back.
If you have any questions or any inputs you want to share, just comment or hit me up on LinkedIn or Twitter. I am pretty much active there.
All the best.
Please Start. You will not regret it.
Piyush Jain